What is a sanitary bin?
Most sanitary bins are used to dispose of used feminine hygiene products, such as sanitary pads and towels. However, commercial sanitary bins are also used to store other types of sanitary waste, defined as liquid or solid waste originating from humans or animals. This can include: Nappies. Incontinence pads.

Why are sanitary bins important?
Sanitary bins are specifically designed for the discreet and safe disposal of feminine hygiene products. By providing designated bins for sanitary waste, businesses and public spaces minimize the risk of unhygienic practices, such as flushing these items down the toilet or disposing of them in regular waste bins.

Why is it important to dispose pads?
Blood soiled menstrual absorbents are best culture medium for disease causing pathogens hence if these get disposed untreated in the environment there is risk of building a reservoir of pathogens in the environment.

Why do we need sanitary bins?
Sanitary bins are necessary for the disposal of feminine hygiene products such as tampons and pads. These are brimming with bacteria and germs, which can cause illness and contamination if not correctly discarded. Bins should be emptied regularly and we collect weekly, bi-weekly and if needed, monthly.

What is meant by sanitary waste?
SANITARY WASTE. Sanitary waste includes menstrual waste (used panty liners, sanitary. pads and tampons) as well as used condoms, syringes, diapers, cotton. and bandages, all of which contain bodily fluids and are categorised as. domestic hazardous waste.